Sunday, 26 June 2011

Day 10

Today is day 10 post op. The bruising is noticeably less, but the swelling is taking a while. It's frustrating. The worst of it is in my lips. They're HUGE. I'm icing them to see if that helps, but most likely it will just need time. I just hope the massive swelling isn't due to an infection or anything. I'm sure the surgeon will let me know on Wednesday whether or not it's anything to be concerned over.

Sensation is slowly coming back, too. Every day I try to trace the outline of where my sensation cut off is and it's slowly getting narrower. I get these little pin prick feelings in my numb areas which I'm hoping is the sensation returning.

Yesterday I had soft foods for the first time since surgery and it was divine. Scrambled eggs never tasted so good! I had 2 for breakfast and then was so full I didn't want to eat the rest of the day. But I know I have to, so I had some mashed sweet potato and cottage cheese for dinner. Today I had mashed up avocado and cottage cheese and for dinner I'm having dahl- yum!!

I'm getting better at putting my elastics on. Still hurts a bit but I'm getting the hang of it. And I'm doing my exercises like a good girl so hopefully the surgeon will say I don't have to wear them during the day.

Other than the swelling, the other thing that's annoying me is the drooling. It's gross. I can't wait until I can lip seal and don't have to worry about dribbling.

That's it for now. Going to take some more photos tomorrow and hopefully I'll be able to notice a difference from a few days ago.

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