Thursday, 23 June 2011

Photo update


Had a bit of a bad morning. Taking off the elastics and putting them back on was INCREDIBLY painful due to the stitches in my upper gum and lip. The slightest movement was like being stabbed repeatedly with needles, and because the wire hooks I need to loop the elastics onto are up quite high under my lip, I have no choice but to move my lip out of the way. Excrutiating. I had a bit of a cry. I just have to take it really slow and carefully, but it's so frustrating!

Anyway, here are some photos.

Straight after the op

Day 1 post op

Day 4 post op, ready to leave the hospital

And today, day 7 post op (excuse the lip drool! hahaha)

As you can see, the swelling has gone down quite a bit. Hopefully it won't be long until my lips are back to normal size and I can use my mouth normally again!

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