Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Goodbye, Solids

This time tomorrow I'll be arriving at the hospital... I can't believe how quickly it has come around! My surgery's scheduled for 1:30pm and will go for around 4-5 hours. And because it's an afternoon surgery, I get to have breakfast in the morning- hooray!

Food has become very important to me in the last week. I went out for the most delicious pizzas on Friday night with the boyfriend, had a very messy, boozy night on Saturday, went to see The Hangover Part 2 on Monday night, and went out with three of my best buds from uni last night. It's strange thinking that the next time they see me I'm going to look different. But it will be a change for the better.

I saw the anaesthetist on Monday and initially I wasn't filled with confidence. He got the wrong patient file, got the time and date of my surgery wrong, and seemed a bit scattered. But once those mix-ups were worked out, he was fine. He told us about all the drugs I'll be given and whatnot. And I got a call from the hospital yesterday about my stay in hospital and what my care needs will be once I go home.

I'm getting very very nervous. It's not the pain or the liquid diet that I'm worried about. It's how long I'm going to look horrible afterwards, and worrying about whether people will like my "new face" once it all settles down. And how long I'm going to be out of action, unable to talk properly, or not feel my face, or not be able to give my boyfriend a kiss (hahaha LAME!). I know in the grand scheme of things it won't take long to heal up, but that thought is not going to make it any less sucky while it's happening.

So for now I'll try to keep myself busy with cleaning my room so I don't completely flip out! Send me good vibes for tomorrow, and I'll post again when I feel up to it and let everyone know how it went.

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